BASEC Vendor Services:

Vendors are provided daily email notifications for all Agency solicitations within their commodity field of expertise during our multiple daily batch processes. In addition, vendor email notifications are similarly provided for all updates and addendums made to solicitation requests. Through their vendor account Profiles Management, vendors may choose to receive their solicitation emails in either text or html format. Vendors may also log into their BASEC account at any time of the day from wherever they have Internet service to access, review and respond to solicitations. Vendors may also view Bid Tabulation or Past Responses within their account.


Extended Bid Opportunities Services:

Let SicommNet do the opportunity searching for you. With the help of our Extended Bid Opps Service, you will have the potential to reduce your sales cost and will improve your public sector sales efficiency and effectiveness. SicommNet Offers notifications from our of Bid Opportunity Service, which are a publicly advertised invitation for suppliers to submit bids for the provision of goods or services through a Request for Quotation (RFQ), Request for Bids (RFB) and Request for Proposals (RFP). Get notified of thousands of bidding opportunities with hundreds being added daily.
